
Anasayfa » maritime
What is P&I Insurance?

What is P&I Insurance?

P&I insurance, or Protection & Indemnity insurance, is a type of maritime insurance that provides coverage for shipowners and charterers for third-party liabilities arising from the operation of a vessel. P&I insurance is typically required by shipowners and charterers. P&I insurance provides coverage for third-party liabilities arising from the operation of a vessel, such as...

What is Yacht Insurance?

What is Yacht Insurance?

Luxury yacht insurance is a specialized form of insurance that covers high-value yachts and their equipment. This type of insurance typically includes coverage for damage to the yacht, as well as liability coverage for accidents or injuries that occur on board. Some of the key features of luxury yacht insurance include: * Agreed Value Coverage:...

What is a P&I Club Insurance?

What is a P&I Club Insurance?

 “P&I Club Insurance” (Protection and Indemnity Club Insurance) is a marine insurance which provides cover to shipowners for third-party liabilities encountered in the commercial operation of entered vessels. P&I Club Insurance is designed to complement a vessel’s hull and machinery insurance and related covers. What does the P&I Club cover? This type of insurance, which...

Working Hours of Seafarers

Working Hours of Seafarers

The working hours of seafarers are regulated by the International Labour Organization (ILO) Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006. According to the convention, the maximum hours of work for seafarers should not exceed: 14 hours in any 24-hour period 72 hours in any seven-day period 14 days in any consecutive 28-day period Seafarers must also be...